NASCAR-teams har én ting til fælles med de danske sølvbryllupskvarterer med ligusterhække. Der bliver snakket meget. Rigtig meget, endda.
Det samme var gældende, da Jan Magnussen søndag som første dansker kørte NASCAR i Sprint Cup Series på Infineon Raceway, det tidligere Sears Point. Rigtig mange danske racerfans sad klistret til fladskærmen søndag aften, men mindst én af dem sad også og lyttede med på teamradioen mellem ’spotteren’ og bil #09.
Her kan du læse højdepunkterne fra kommunikationen på pitradioen mellem Jan Magnussen og pitmuren – opsnappet af Jonas Boye.
Omgang 8
Pit: Tell us about your car, how’s it running
Jan Magnussen: Some understeer, lacks traction
P Fuel and tires
P Be ready… be ready… beee reeeeady… GREEN FLAG
P Let’s get that 83
J Really hot on the water and really hot on the oil
P 10-4
P We need to know how hot it is on oil and water
J 300 on oil, 250-60 on the water
P We need water pressures
J 40
P Make sure your engine fan is on
J It’s on
J Temperatures are coming down a little bit
P 10-4 You’re doing a great job
P Take a look at the water when you can
J Red light is off
P Pit next time, fuel and tires
J OK, coming in
P Start looking at your entry
P Get your rythm back now
P All clear. Slow car ahead of you
P Just keep hitting your marks, you’re doing a great job
55 P21
P 55 down 55 to go
Pit: What are you thinking of this NASCAR race?
Jan: I’m busy
Pit: 10-4
P Caution is out. They don’t know for what
P Oil! Oil is in T7.
P How’s the car?
J I feel like the balance is better. Still a little understeer in the middle
P When pit road is open we will pit for fuel and tires.
P It will be open this time
P Are you getting some water?
J Yeah, I’m trying. I can’t drink when I’m racing
P What are you thinking of this NASCAR race?
J I’m busy
P 10-4
P Ok Jan, they’re letting some of the cars pass. Just do what the guy in front of you is doing
P Coming to green
P Alright be ready. Beeee reeeeeady
P Good job, GREAT JOB!
P There’s a spin down in 7. There should not be caution
P Caution is out
J Steering wheel is a little off set
P 10-4 on that. Touched the wall, but there’s no tire smoke, so should be fine
J A little bit more understeer, but it could be the tires
P Allright, we will pit
P Pit this time Jan
P Just make sure pit is open.
P Tires and fuel
J How’s it looking
P It’s good Jan, you’re hitting the marks, everything’s fine from here
P This sector is good, Jan, you’re a little bit faster than the leaders
P Make sure you hydrate
P Gogogo go go go. Wrecks behind you.
J Can you see any damage on the front
P So far everything’s fine
P They’re stopping you at 7
P Make sure all your switches are off.
J OK, everything’s off
J Battery also?
P Yes, everything off
P Memorize everything you’re switching off
J What happend?
P Everyone behind wrecked
P We’ll have to go one more time. 48 laps to go
P All right, Jan. Let’s get it started back up
P Hey Jan, make sure both batteries are turning back up
P Looks like you did rub a little bit, but you’re fine. Both batteries on
J Both batteries are on
P Make sure you keep your tires clean
P There’s a lot of oil spill on the straight. Turn your wheel and get a feeling of the grip
P We’re P23.
P Uhm, that might be P22
P Make sure your engine fans is on. What’s the temperature?
J 260 on oil 260 on water
P Make sure you clean your tires. You picked up a lot of dust
P CUT BATTERY 2 OFF, Coming to green here
P Be ready beee reeeady… green flag
P We’ve got 3 laps to go
J I’ve got a looot of understeer everywhere
P Hey Jan, is your balance the same left and right
J Yes, same left and right
P We will be pitting next time out. FUEL ONLY
P Do not flat your tires when you come in
P Concentrate on your pit box entry – do not flat your tires.
P Lets go – GOGOGO
P Save tires when you come out there
P Run your race now, you are good for the end
P Wreck behind you. Still green
P Caution is out
P Save all the fuel you can
P We might pit, can you tell us about the car
J I’ve got a lot of understeer
P Be on your toes for a last minute call.
P Is it difficult to brake now?
J It’s locking up in the front, I’ve got no grip in the front at all
P Be ready for tires and fuel. It’s going to be a last minute call
P There are sweepers on the track
P Pit road is open, we’ll do what the leaders do
P Pit this time pit pit
P Sweeper is up here between 1 and 2
P Coming to the green this time
P Spin up ahead of you. Stay right. Drivers right
P Caution is out
P You got better tires than a lot of guys ahead of you
P Spin in 11. Go high go high go high. Keep going. Good job
P Caution is out
P All right, 6 to go. You are P16
P Just keep your tires clean
J Temperature’s dropped a little bit
P 5 to go when we go green
P All right, let’s have some fun. This is the best part of it
P Remember who’s ahead of you (99)
J That’s my man
P 2 to go. Just use your head
P One more. Just one more
P Last lap, last lap man. You are doing a great job
P Great job today man
J That’s was fun
P Great job everybody
J Where am I going?
P Straight ahead. Turn right, right there behind the truck
P Awesome job. Awesome job there, P12
Foto: Jan Kaiser